Language Courses

Our courses range from A1 to C2 as defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), a standardised guideline put together by the Council of Europe. CEFR is used to describe achievements of learners of foreign languages across Europe and, increasingly, in other countries.

There are six reference levels classified as A1 for beginners, A2 for elementary, B1 for intermediate, B2 for upper intermediate, C1 as advanced, and C2 as mastery. This helps educational institutions and employers evaluate the language qualifications of candidates for education admission or employment.


At the end of each level you will be able to do the following:


  1. Understand and use everyday expressions, form simple sentences that are related to daily life e.g. ask for food.
  2. introduce yourself and others as well as ask others about themselves e.g. their nationality, where they live, who they know, what they own and also respond to questions of this nature.
  3. communicate in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.


  1. Understand common, familiar sentences and simple details associated with topics directly related to you such as your personal information, family, education, work, grocery shopping and the environment around you.
  2. Communicate in routine situations and exchange familiar information more easily.


  1. Understand the main points of a conversation when clear standard German is used, especially when the topic is something familiar like school, work or leisure time.
  2. Deal with most situations typically encountered when travelling in the language region.
  3. Use the conditional, past tense and other tenses to explain more complex topics such as dreams, ambitions and hopes.


  1. Start understanding the main ideas in complex texts involving both concrete and abstract topics.
  2. Have the ability to discuss topics in your field of specialisation.
  3. Communicate spontaneously with locals and native-speakers with a certain degree of fluency, neither side having to speak slowly or use simple words.
  4. Express yourself in detail using a wider range of expressions, explain your opinions on current issues and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different options


  1. Understand and explain a wide range of complex, longer texts and implied meanings
  2. Express ideas fluently without having to noticeably search for expressions
  3. Use the language effectively and flexibly in your social , academic and professional life.
  4. Construct clear and grammatically correct sentences in detail on familiar and unfamiliar topics using connectors and complex structures.


  1. Understand almost all spoken and written language effortlessly.
  2. Summarise long texts, condense complex information and explain them to other people.
  3. Express yourself fluently and precisely, no matter how complex the topic may be.

We offer free, short placement tests consisting of a written and oral part. This allows us to assess your German language ability and place you with the right group of students. 

In addition to in-course tests, end of course (EOC) evaluations and exam preparation tutorials are conducted at each level. For levels A1 and A2 candidates are required to take two in-course tests and 1 EOC test. For B1 to C2 three in-course tests are conducted at each level, before the EOC assessment. Exam preparation tutorials begin 1 month before the exam.

Please note that your proficiency must be reflected in a language certificate based on a standardised language test in accordance with the Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE). Only ALTE certificates (Goethe-Institute, TELC, TestDaf, ÖSD and ECL) are recognised by the German embassy in Cameroon . We can issue proof of participation at a completed or currently-attended language course. Language certificates can only be obtained after successful completion of exams taken at one of the recognised test centers.

Skilled healthcare professionals are required to effectively communicate with colleagues, patients, their relatives and other medical staff in German. Our medical German language course is aimed at laying the foundation necessary for successful communication and making sure you get the best start for your first job in a German hospital. We focus on improving your medical vocabulary using examples from the daily lives of doctors and nurses in Germany. You will also learn how to conduct a detailed anamnesis in German.


This course is offered once a year or on request. Prerequisites for participation are a completed medical degree and acquisition of B2 or C1 German language certificates.


Please note that in most German Federal States, doctors must pass the medical language, the so-called Fachsprachprüfung (FSP), conducted at a State Chamber of Physicians to obtain a temporary license/work permit (Berufserlaubnis) to practise medicine. A medical knowledge test is required to obtain a valid full license (Approbation) after which you can begin your residency program. You will find books for the FSP preparation at OMILI.

The following are course fees for each level, which include course materials:
A1, A2 – 125,000XAF 
B1, B2, C1 – 135,000XAF 
C2 + TestDaF Preparation – 135,000XAF
Medical German language –  free